Partner Adam Polk will be speaking on a panel at The George Washington University Law School’s James F. Humphrey’s Complex Litigation Center on November 11, 2021, as part of the second annual Class Action Case Law and Practice Review Conference, a bench-bar conference that will review recent case law and practice developments related to class actions. Experts in class actions, including six federal judges and 30 prominent practitioners, will lead discussions with an expected audience of approximately 50-60 practitioners and other experts.
Adam’s panel, entitled “Early Vetting of and Motions to Strike Class-Action Individual Allegations,” will be moderated by Professor Laura Hines of the University of Kansas School of Law. Joining Adam as panelists are Dan Bryson, Milberg Coleman Bryson Phillips Grossman PLLC; Robin Sumner, Troutman Pepper; Hayden Coleman, Dechert; Jeff Wilkerson, Winston & Strawn; Hon. Andrea Wood of the Northern District of Illinois; and Hon. Eric Tostrud of the District of Minnesota.
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