Federal Judge Denies Comcast’s Motion to Stay in TCPA Violation Case

On August 13, 2020, U.S. District Judge Ronald B. Leighton denied telecom giant Comcast’s motion to continue a stay pending a Supreme Court decision on the scope of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act.

Together with co-counsel, Girard Sharp attorneys Daniel Girard and Simon Grille seek relief on behalf of numerous consumers against Comcast for violating the TCPA. The court found that named plaintiff Douglas Lacy “convincingly argues that, regardless of [the pending Supreme Court] outcome, discovery will need to take place in this case regarding (1) the existence and exact nature of any ATDS used to contact Lacy, (2) whether Comcast called Lacy and other potential class members using a pre-recorded voice, and (3) whether such calls were directed to cell phone numbers other than [those] of the intended recipients.”

Discovery in the case will now proceed, consistent with the court’s order.

Daniel Girard and Simon Grille serve as co-lead counsel in Lacy v. Comcast along with co-counsel from Terrell Marshall Law Group.

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