
Our firm brings deep resources and decades of experience to bear in achieving precedent-setting outcomes in litigation and arbitration to protect the rights of investors. Girard Sharp lawyers have successfully represented thousands of individual and institutional investors in a wide range of financial and investment fraud matters, including investments in public securities markets, private offerings, non-traded REITs, and major financial fraud cases. We have recovered more than $1.2 billion in investment losses for our clients.

Recent Successes

We served on the leadership team in the securities litigation following the collapse of Lehman Brothers, the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history. Total recoveries for investors exceeded $700 million.

In a case involving the Provident Royalties Ponzi scheme, we coordinated with bankruptcy trustees and other plaintiff groups to achieve a global settlement of $150 million.

We served on the leadership team in the Jay Peak EB-5 Visa litigation against Raymond James Financial, where we helped recover $150 million for investors in a project to develop the area surrounding the Jay Peak Ski Resort.

We represented commodities customers against U.S. Bank and JPMorgan Chase in a case arising from the collapse of Peregrine Financial Group Inc., resulting in recoveries of over $75 million.

When the Oppenheimer California Municipal Bond Fund misled investors about its investment risk and lost nearly half its value, we obtained a $50.75 million settlement for investors.

When Sallie Mae, the leading provider of student loans in the United States, misled the public about its financial performance to inflate the company’s stock price, we recovered $35 million for investors in the company.

In deciding whether to initiate a securities class action or pursue other means to resolve a dispute, our approach is straightforward, with our clients’ needs and goals at the forefront. Each case is carefully analyzed and planned as if it were going to trial, leaving us well-equipped to reach a successful settlement or present the case to a judge or jury.

Judges have recognized our experience in securities litigation, naming us lead counsel in major securities fraud cases on behalf of a variety of institutional investors. We have appeared on behalf of a range of clients, including the California Teachers’ Retirement System, the Kansas Public Employees Retirement System, Allianz of America, Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company, family offices, and high-net-worth individuals.

To discuss potential claims involving investment fraud, speak to our lawyers for a free, confidential consultation.

Current Investigations

AppLovin Corp. (NASDAQ: APP) Securities Investigation

Girard Sharp attorneys are currently investigating allegations on behalf of shareholders of AppLovin (NASDAQ: APP) for potential violations of securities laws.

Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. and Stelco Merger Securities Investigation

Girard Sharp attorneys are investigating allegations against Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. (CLF) on behalf of Stelco stockholders who received unregistered shares in the 2024 merger.

Prologis Inc. (NYSE: PLD) Securities Lawsuit Investigation

Girard Sharp LLP is investigating potential claims on behalf of former Duke Realty Corp. shareholders who received Prologis Inc. (NYSE: PLD) through the 2022 merger.


Maxar Technologies, Inc.

Girard Sharp served as co-lead counsel in a certified securities class action on behalf of investors of Maxar Technologies, Ltd. (NYSE: MAXR) regarding alleged violations of federal securities laws for material misstatements and omissions associated with the performance and economic outlook of one of its core business units. The court granted preliminary approval of a $36.5 million settlement in June 2023.


Girard Sharp served as lead counsel in a consolidated class action brought on behalf of investors against a major bank for furthering a Ponzi scheme. After several years of litigation in bankruptcy court and district court, the parties reached a $54.5 million settlement approved by the court in December 2021.

Jay Peak Immigrant Investor Visa Litigation

Girard Sharp served as an Executive Committee member in the largest EB-5 fraud in the history of the United States, involving more than 800 foreign investors owed over $400 million. The firm helped to secure a $150 million recovery from Raymond James and additional recoveries from other parties.