Today, Girard Sharp partner Adam Polk presented as part of a panel in an American Bar Association (ABA) Section of Litigation Roundtable entitled “The ABCs of Class Action Settlement for Attorneys and Consultants.” The roundtable served as an introduction to the strategy, procedure, and mechanics of settling class actions, and Adam addressed issues from the plaintiff’s point of view. The panel also featured Heather Lonian of Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann and Frederick Pape of Ankura. Adam is the current co-chair of the ABA Litigation Section’s Class Actions and Derivative Suits Committee, where he is a frequent contributor of written and spoken content on emerging issues affecting class action practice. The ABA’s Section of Litigation Roundtables are a series of panel presentations where speakers discuss topics such as new case law/legislation, trial tips, and practice development. For more information about the event, click here. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter @GirardSharp for firm news and case updates.