Scott Grzenczyk Recognized as a “Top Antitrust Lawyer” for 2023 by Daily Journal

We are pleased to announce that Girard Sharp partner Scott Grzenczyk has been recognized as a 2023 “Top Antitrust Lawyer” by The Daily Journal.

Scott was recognized nationally in the antitrust bar for his expertise in class certification, particularly in major cases like the ongoing In re California Gasoline Spot Market Antitrust Litigation and the influential In re Restasis Antitrust Litigation. His career has involved managing complex litigations with plaintiffs and government enforcers, such as The Department of Justice, including cases like In re Google Digital Advertising Antitrust Litigation and In re Generic Pharmaceuticals Antitrust Litigation. Grzenczyk emphasizes the importance of careful coordination in these cases, noting the challenges and necessity of aligning discovery and strategic decisions among various stakeholders to maximize resources and avoid conflicting positions.

Scott’s full Daily Journal article can be viewed by clicking here (subscription required).

We would like to thank The Daily Journal for this notable recognition and offer our congratulations to all others who received this honor.